
When it comes to questions the deeper we go, the farther we go.

More questions lead to deeper questions. Deeper questions lead to deeper understanding of the complexities of context and the possibilities there.

When surface gets us nowhere fast, depth is speed.

Identity shaping

We shape our questions and stories and our questions and stories shape us.

Part of this shaping is knowing the specific impact potentials of different kinds of questions and stories. Not all questions and stories are equal.


Sometimes the first steps toward new ideas is doubts in old ideas. This is what questions can make happen.

As long as we resist doubting old ideas, they persist. Their persistence precludes the emergence and building of new ideas.

Just inviting more questions deepens the space of doubt.

Around the table

Groups do not move in the direction of agendas at the head of the table; they move in the direction of questions around the table.

Even if questions come from the head of the table, we engage everyone in more questions because more questions lead to new, actionable, deeper questions.


Groups move forward or backward. In enough chaos, they will shift back and forth between forward and backward, as in two steps forward, one step backward. Forward is wanting to create a new future; backward is wanting to repeat an old past.

In a large group like a network or community, we could have some sub-groups moving forward and others moving backward.

Our directions are not shaped by our agendas; they are shaped by our conscious and unconscious questions.